Parrot (was Re: tpf blog)

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at
Wed Dec 7 11:17:51 GMT 2005

On 12/7/05, Nicholas Clark <nick at> wrote:
> > Will the tpf blog include alison and others use.perl entries on parrot
> > and perl, or a link to a relevent feed of whats going on. The blog
> > entries are the only way for me to easily follow the development now
> > that the list summaries are no longer being published.

Yes dave - posted that question as a response to the story on the TPF blog.

> The list summaries are still being written, and mailed to the lists.
> However, unlike perl5-porters, there isn't a dedicated summary only list.
> Maybe there should be, in addition to finding them a home online.

Yup a webpage would be nice, preferably linked from the tpf blog and
the parrot pages.


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