
Leo Lapworth leo at
Thu Jan 12 14:48:33 GMT 2006

Adium - if you have OSX

- you have to enter your details to each type of IM, also works with
VoIP - Gazim - I just want it to work with Skype now.

On 12 Jan 2006, at 14:24, Simon Wistow wrote:

> It would useful to me to be able to have 1 program that could
> communicate to people on multiple IM networks with the minimum of fuss
> to the user.
> At first I wondered if it might be possible using Jabber and its  
> network
> proxies but to be honest I don't know enough about that.
> Otherwise there's Net::ICQ, Net::Msmgr, Net::YMSG and, confusingly,
> Net::YahooMessenger all of which have a similar APIs. It shouldn't be
> too hard to write a generic Net::AnyIM wrapper that dispatches to the
> correct plugin based on the recipient.
> I imagine something like this
> 	use Net::AnyIM;
> 	my $im = Net::AnyIM->new();
>  	$im->login("simon", "msn","msnpassword");
> 	$im->login("muttley at", "jabber", "jabberpassword");
> 	# etc etc
> 	$im->send("myfriend", "msn", "Hello!");
> 	$im->send("myotherfriend at", "jabber", "Hello too!");
> 	while (my $reply = $im->receive()) {
> 		print "Reply from ".$reply->sender;
> 		my $message = $reply->message;
> 		$reply->reply(uc($message));
> 		# or equivalently
> 		$im->send($reply->sender, $reply->network, uc($message));
> 	}
> It would be nice to do dispatching to plugin based on the hostname  
> part
> of a username but the problem is that you can run a jabber server  
> on any
> hostname.
> Am I duplicating effort? Might this be useful for anyone else?  
> Would it
> be better as a POE component?
> Simon

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