Event Suggestions (was RE: news feeds)

Jonathan Stowe jns at gellyfish.com
Wed Feb 8 15:37:09 GMT 2006

On Wed, 2006-02-08 at 14:35, McGlinchy, Alistair wrote:
> Hi Greg
> > If its not to private I'd love a talk on how M&S use Perl. I 
> > don't care if its boring from a technical point as long as I 
> > can see how Perl is used on a day to day basis I'm 
> > interested, nothing sensitive just an idea of what size of 
> > databases you might use with DBI, or how many hits you manage 
> > with mod_perl or any victories where Perl solved a difficult 
> > problem for other languages within a short time span.
> There's not a lot to tell here, no DBI or mod_perl to speak of sorry.
> Most of our apps run on Win2K[3]/IIS/SQL Server. The use of Perl is
> limited to network management and monitoring with a very tiny bit of
> systems management on some unix boxes. 

Tell us about the BizTalk instead then, that's far more interesting than
Perl anyway ....


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