Replacing the camera

Damon Davison damon.davison at
Thu Feb 23 16:59:50 GMT 2006

On 23 Feb 2006, at 14:22, Joel Bernstein wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 23, 2006 at 02:07:44PM +0000, Jacqui Caren wrote:
>> So for ~400 UKP can anyone suggest a better general purpose digital
>> camera than the Fuji S9500.
> Casio Exilim EX-Z600 is 350GBP and quite nice! My girlfriend has the
> EX-Z750 which is about 220-250GBP

The EZ-Z750 has a series engineering problem where the lens will try  
to pop out when it's in it's case or some other un-zoomable location,  
wreck the motor and destroy your autofocus capability.

The Canon S80 is very nice for consumer compacts. Quite heavy, but  
small enough. The Canon EOS 350D is a very nice DSLR. I have the 300D  
and have been quite happy with it for over a year. in Vauxhall might be able to find something used.


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