My module is on CPAN, whoo hoo

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at
Tue Jan 2 09:53:44 GMT 2007

On 02/01/07, Andy Wardley <abw at> wrote:
> Aaron Trevena wrote:
> > * don't trample namespaces (I'm looking at you template!)
> Are you looking at me?  Are you looking at ME?

No. note the capitalisation.

> The Template::* namespace was officially blessed to TT by the modules
> list.  Despite the fact that there were 20+ template modules around at
> the time, the Template::* namespace was unused.  So I used it (after
> checking with the modules list first, of course).
> Sorry if that's trampling in your book.  In mine it's "developing an
> uncharted backwater"  :-)

It  was when you did it ages ago, when some muppet released an amateur
effort called 'template' recently they're a bloody nuisence and in
need of a slap.

It seems to have disappeared from search.cpan fortunately, hopefully
it's gone entirely or been suitable renamed.


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