Repetitive Strain Injury

Merijn Broeren merijnb at
Mon Jan 15 15:45:51 GMT 2007

Quoting Aaron Trevena (aaron.trevena at
> If I could get a nice laptop style keyboard with compact layout and
> integrated trackpad then I would be a happy bunny using a workstation,
> but for now I'm very happy using this laptop 7 days a week 364 days a
> year.

Well I wandered last Saturday through my local friendly Maplin, a
dangerous store if ever there was one for my wanderings, laden as I tend
to leave with yet more widgets and gadgets and cables and connectors,
and my roving eye fell on this:

wondering who would ever want such an abomination, as surely the only
way to drive your laptop cursor is with an trackpoint nipple mouse. 

Oh bring back the days of ye olden powerbook :

Merijn Broeren | Nothing is more poignant in old age than the 
               | memory of temptation resisted.

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