mmm tasty duck (was Re: [ANNOUNCE] October Social - Thursday 4th at The Duck (NSFW))

Nicholas Clark nick at
Fri Oct 5 12:21:38 BST 2007

On Fri, Oct 05, 2007 at 11:36:21AM +0100, Andy Wardley wrote:
> Bob Walker wrote:
> >is it safe for work though?
> That's not a duck, this is duck!

I don't agree. It was more like



As to Dim Sum - Chuen Cheng Ku was closed for refurbishment, so we adopted
the back up plan of going to the New World. Where there was duck. And many
other tasty things.

As we walked between the two, there were several restaurants in Gerrad Street
selling duck, and one even called duck (Crispy Duck)

Nicholas Clark

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