Perl Apprentice

Ash Berlin ash_cpan at
Fri Oct 5 14:46:52 BST 2007

Lyle - wrote:
>   What I love about apprenticeships is that officially you do not have 
> to pay apprentices minimum wage...
>   Now the problem is that I want to train up a Perl apprentice. Without 
> any official government recognised course to send them on I'd have to 
> pay them minimum wage, which would prove rather costly while I get them 
> up to speed..
>   So my thinking now is to offer 1 lucky person free programming 
> tuition, I'll teach them as I would have before, get them to do sample 
> projects (scripts I need updating :)) and give them some sort of 
> certificate I made up at the end (BrainBench and eLearners have done 
> it... Why not me). Considering companies are charging ££££ for this kind 
> of group tuition, let alone one on one, I think this is a pretty good 
> deal for whoever goes for it. If it goes well, I'll have a go at 
> charging for a second candidate.
>   Pretty much the same situation as me taking on an apprentice, but this 
> time I don't have to pay them and it's totally legit. At the end of it 
> I'll have someones who's useful who'll be viable to pay..
> So here's my real problem... Where do I find a candidate near me? Are 
> there good websites where I could list this? Having never offered 
> anything like this before I don't know where to start.
> I'm in Bristol...
> Your thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

I hear vicious rumors that there are two universities in Bristol... If
you want the name of someone to speak to in the UoB Computer Science
dept. I still speak to a few ppl there and can find out.


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