Rexexp on part of a string

Ovid publiustemp-londonpm at
Tue Feb 19 12:00:05 GMT 2008

--- virtualsue <virtuallysue at> wrote:

> >> I would like to restrict the part of a string a regexp is allowed
> >> to operate on, For example I would like to ignore comments.
> >> I would like
> >>
> >>   $x = " andrew andrew   # andrew " ;
> >>   $x =~ s/andrew/black/g ;
> >> to produce " black black   # andrew "
> > you could simply split() on #, s/andrew/black/g and rejoin
> > or use a lookahead
> > s/andrew(?=.*\#)/black/g;
> If I split on # then what happens if $x contains 'print
> "==#andrew#andrew#===\n"  # more andrew'?
> Maybe the data would never look like that, but calling them comments
> and using the '#' to delineate them makes you wonder.

I think the problem here is that we have an example of the data rather
than a specification of it.  The latter would make the question far
easier to answer :)

And if splitting the data makes sense, my Data::Record might come in
handy ( because it gives the
programmer very fine-grained control over how to split data:

  use Regexp::Common;
  use Data::Record;
  my $record = Data::Record->new({
    split  => "\n",
    unless => $RE{quoted},
  my @data = $record->records($data);


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