Better Perl

Spiros Denaxas spiros at
Mon Apr 7 00:05:11 BST 2008

On Sun, Apr 6, 2008 at 11:45 PM, Iain Barnett <iainspeed at> wrote:

> [2] Answer: design.  vs http://
>  is like Oasis vs Arctic Monkeys - more than 10 years
> out of date.

Not to mention that PerlMonks is, to put it blatantly intimidating, to first
time users. My flatmate ended up on it and asked me why is it so complicated
to locate things and why is it so slow. This leads me to partially believe
that individuals who do not have an average to above-average exposure to
Perl and the community surrounding it tend to undervalue PM's existence
and/or usefulness.


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