[ANNOUNCE] May social

Gordon Joly gordon.joly at pobox.com
Wed Apr 9 21:48:03 BST 2008

At 15:01 +0100 9/4/08, David Cantrell wrote:
>This year, May is the only chance that the evil heretics get to tempt
>you into sin and depravity by messing with the calendar.  The correct
>date and place etc for the social, no matter what Kake The Sinful Pub-
>mistress and Greg The Sadly Fallen Into Error will tell you, is:
>the date:  May the 1st
>the time:  after work
>the pub:   Bread and Roses
>the place: Clapham
>the URL:   http://london.randomness.org.uk/wiki.cgi?Bread_And_Roses,_SW4_6DZ
>Be there, or lose your immortal souls.

Can't we do both?



"Think Feynman"/////////
gordon.joly at pobox.com///

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