Anyone hiring at the moment?

Aaron Trevena aaron.trevena at
Tue Sep 22 13:40:31 BST 2009

2009/9/22 Ovid <publiustemp-londonpm at>:
> --- On Tue, 22/9/09, Richard Foley <Richard.Foley at> wrote:
>> From: Richard Foley <Richard.Foley at>
>> What, relocate to Amsterdam, whatever for?
> I'd be seriously tempted to move back there were it not for me seeking British citizenship (something the damned Labour party seems bound and determined to not let happen).  I only lived there briefly, but it was a lovely city.  Would have stayed were the circumstances right.

That's the impression I had of Groningen and most of The Netherlands
that I saw, being able to safely cycle to and from work, the abundance
of decent trains and public transport gave the impression it would be
quite nice to live there.


Aaron J Trevena, BSc Hons
LAMP System Integration, Development and Consulting

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