Anyone hiring at the moment?

Lesley lesleyb at
Wed Sep 23 20:01:15 BST 2009

On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 08:38:35AM -0700, Avleen Vig wrote:
> On Sep 23, 2009, at 5:38, Ovid <publiustemp-londonpm at> wrote:
>> ----- Original Message ----
>>> From: Avleen Vig <avleen at>
>>> Good scotch is not for getting pissed on, but for savouring and  
>>> enjoying :)
>> Could you explain that to my niece? I visited the US recently and  
>> brought over a bottle of Green Spot. She took one sip, said it was  
>> great, and then shot the rest. I could have cried. Next time, I'll buy 
>> her whiskey which comes in a soft plastic bottle.
> There's a definite culture of doing that kind of thing here (I'm in the 
> US too now) with the younger generation. Get blatted as fast as  
> possible. Never mad sense to me :)
Mmmm .. trying to catch up on their British counterparts perhaps?

who knows what motivates the young.  I have certainly forgotten :)

Talking of which ... I am not hugely fond of whisky but did manage
to sit up all night drinking a complete bottle of Isle of Jura talking 
with a very good (and now dear departed) friend.  No hangover afterwards 
either, so either the whisky was alright or it was the absinthe.  It's what 
the Christmas break is for after all.

And I have been to Amsters from time to time but never work related.  
Last time I went a travelling companion was most distressed at the 
price of baked beans.  Heinz baked beans cost a fortune over there.

Come to think of it, that was another Christmas.



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