[ANNOUNCE] London Perl Workshop 2009

Steve Purkis steve at purkis.ca
Sat Sep 26 13:02:22 BST 2009

Hi all,

Thanks for organizing this again, Mark!

BTW, I couldn't see a URL in your post - I presume it's:


You can sign up for the conference there, as well as submit proposals  
for any talks you'd like to do.

   Steve Purkis

PS: not cross-posting incase I'm wrong...

On 17 Sep 2009, at 14:24, Mark Keating wrote:

> Dear All,
> It is with great pleasure, and with some tardiness and lack of  
> expedience, that I announce the London Perl Workshop to be held on  
> Saturday 5th December at the University of Westminster's New  
> Cavendish Campus.[1]
> The theme for this year is Beginning Perl, which can be taken as  
> Perl for beginners if one so wishes, or aimed at people new to Perl  
> who are fluent in another language, or in fact any variant theme  
> that one can conjecture including beginning a CPAN module, projects  
> that are fun/welcoming/reliant on beginners (and also we expect some  
> of you to ignore this all together and submit as you feel).
> The call for papers is now open and the website should be live very  
> soon (if someone grabs Monsieur Cholet and shouts into his ear it  
> will be sooner). The closing date for submission will be Friday 6^th  
> November (of this year obviously) and notification will arrive on  
> Monday 16^th November.
> As always the London Perl Workshop is a totally free event solely  
> supported by the efforts and goodwill of the community. If you would  
> like to help in any manner or organise an event to coincide with  
> this then please contact Mark Keating. There has already been an  
> offer to find a venue for the public house for the customary  
> workshop socialisation which will be handled by the erudite Mister  
> Laver. But many other things can be done to help.
> The event will once again welcome Josette of O'Reilly who will bring  
> a good range of books with her at the usual discounts, so bring lots  
> of money and a small mule to carry home your purchases.
> Once again I would ask that if anyone has a video camera and intends  
> to video an event we get together on the wiki and work out a  
> possible coverage. If we then use the auspicious YAPC.TV website we  
> may get the entire conference uploaded for the whole community to  
> enjoy. Please feel free to use the wiki to start any organisation of  
> this manner and ping mdk on irc or mail m.keating at shadowcat.co.uk to  
> let me know and I will attempt to find other volunteers to make this  
> easier.
> So enter the date in your diary, sharpen your presenting wit or  
> prepare to attend the best event in the calendar™.[3]
> [1] Though please note that part of the delay in this formal  
> announcement was the negotiation for the venue with a new Dean. Sean  
> as always is in our corner has confirmed the venue. Otherwise we  
> would have held it in Dave Cross' house where he has promised to  
> hold a barbecue and roast a organiser or two.[2]
> [2] This may, or may not, be true.
> [3] Okay this one probably isn't true, but I would invite all  
> detractors to first argue this with the proud and upstanding folk of  
> London.pm, bring beer money you'll need it.
> Regards
> Mark Keating
> -- 
> Mark Keating BA (Hons)          |  Writer, Photographer, Cat-Herder
> Managing Director               |  Shadowcat Systems Limited
> Director/Secretary              |  Enlightened Perl Organisation
> co-Leader                       |  North West England Perl Mongers
> http://www.shadowcat.co.uk      |  http://www.enlightenedperl.org
> http://northwestengland.pm.org  |  http://linkedin.com/in/markkeating

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