Help me become a Londoner!

Chris Jack chris_jack at
Thu Nov 19 12:17:10 GMT 2009

Gianni Ceccarelli dakkar at wrote:
> - can anyone recommend some agencies (or other methods) to search for
> the apartment?
> - which areas should I be looking around, for a largish (60m?)
> apartment for under ?800/month, within a half-hour commute (by
> train?) to the centre?


This is really dependent on where your job is precisely. If you're working in Docklands the answer is probably different to the square mile. The first step should be identifying your nearest train station and finding somewhere that has as few train changes as possible to get there that meet your criteria.

> - is there a no-interest, no-fees, everything-on-the-web bank that can
> be trusted (at least a bit :) ) with my money?


There is no such thing as a no-fees bank as far as I'm aware and again, it depends what you're after. Do you need cheques, hole in the wall, real branches for those odd occasions. Personally I use for my main banking - but I like to complicate my life and use Barclays for cheques and Halifax because they give me £5 a month for shuffling £1000 in one day and out 5 days later.

> - anything else a foreigner really ought to know?

Madame JoJos is a gay cabaret/nightclub in Soho ;-)


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