Perl e-commerce?

Sue Spence sue at
Thu Sep 15 20:23:26 BST 2011

On 14 September 2011 10:11, Mallory van Achterberg
<stommepoes at> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I was looking around at popular e-commerce setups like Magento
> and Zend Cart. And I realised most of these are PHP based, for
> whatever reason.
> Is there a (decent, maintained) Perl-based e-commerce platform
> out there?

I am not an expert in this area but it seems to me that you are
looking at one particular aspect of one segment of the "e-commerce"
market and extrapolating far too much from that.  Some hypotheses have
already been advanced as to why Perl might not be as competitive as it
used to be in that arena. That doesn't mean it isn't used in medium -
large - enterprise environments. I have certainly seen it in the last

Furthermore, even if Perl no longer has a place in e-commerce, which
isn't true*, I don't believe you could infer that Perl marketing
efforts are a bad idea or doomed to fail or that Perl itself is
utterly b0rk3n and needs somebody to hurry up and fix it.

If I have misinterpreted your message then I apologise in advance.

*Unless Venda has gone out of business :-)

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