on-call rates

Raphael Mankin raph at mankin.org.uk
Thu Jun 28 10:23:08 BST 2012

On Thu, 2012-06-28 at 09:38 +0100, Dirk Koopman wrote:
> I have been asked to make myself available "on-call" 24/7 (for defined 
> periods of time) on third line support on a product that rarely goes 
> wrong. Nearly all problems are infrastructure or user cockup. However, 
> said users are a) paranoid about blame and b) by default, it must be our 
> product's fault until proved (*PROVED* I say!) it isn't (99.9% success 
> rate on that so far :-). Oh, and by the way, *please* get us working PDQ 
> (pretty please).
> I believe I might get called 1->4 times year. Are there any standards or 
> bits of common practice out there that can help me price this up?
> Dirk

The last time I did this was on a 1 week in 6 rota. We were paid £200
for each night, whether we got called or not. That was 5 or 6 years ago.

You cannot do this single handed. It means you can never go to the
theatre, never go on holiday, ... It has to be a shared rota.

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