Next Technical Meeting: 24th July @ Conway Hall

Alex Balhatchet kaoru at
Fri Jun 27 15:18:27 BST 2014

Hey Tom,

You sound busy!! Anything I can do help with the technical meeting?

- Alex

On 27 June 2014 15:07, Tom Hukins <tom at> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 02:35:42PM +0100, Chris Jack wrote:
>> Is there a website for signing up to this? If I search on google for "London Perl Mongers", the likely suspects seem to be things like:
> Hi, Chris.  I've mentioned to you before that is run by a
> small number of volunteers if and when we have time.  We're always
> looking for more people to help out with making things happen.  If
> we're not meeting your expectations, please join in and help out.
> The meeting was announced yesterday and I haven't got round to
> updating the calendar on yet.  We no longer use
>, so there's no news there since 2012.  We'll update
> soon.
>> I can find it on the Conway Hall website:
> Lanyrd is not the Conway Hall's web site.  It's a worldwide events and
> conferences listing site.  (Aside, one of their developers is an ex
> London Perl Monger).
>> but I'm guessing that's not the official location for sign up.
> Whilst it would be helpful for people to sign up on Lanyrd (or meetup
> when the meeting's listed there) to give us an idea of numbers, it's
> not required.
> So, if you (or anyone else) would like to help run the group, please
> let me know.  We're not doing half the things we would like to, we
> know we don't have enough time and reminding us of this achieves
> nothing.  Helping out will achieve much more.
> Thank you,
> Tom

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