[ANNOUNCE] London Javascript Night - May 25th

Greg McCarroll greg at mccarroll.org.uk
Wed Apr 26 19:51:43 BST 2006

On 26 Apr 2006, at 18:18, Rob Bannocks wrote:
> Simon,

actually blame me or Dean. i just got Simon to post it.

> Can I suggest you try to recruit someone to give and
> overview talk about how all these acronyms fit
> together.
> Of course I
> realise that press ganging some one to talk may not be
> easy.

would it be useful to others to do a 5 minute lightning
talk of just how stupidly simple it is to create one
of these fancy dan web 2.0 pages where some JS code calls
some server code and updates on the fly?

or Rob are you more looking really for a 5 minute guide
to buzz-word land, with a healthy dose of cynicism thrown
in so we all remember we live in good old blighty and not
San Fran., CA?


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