tablets for parents

Peter Sergeant pete at
Mon Mar 3 07:42:39 GMT 2014

On Sun, Mar 2, 2014 at 9:20 PM, Nicholas Clark <nick at> wrote:

> 1) What tablet?
>    (with camera, obviously, 3G, and possibly not much else "special")

No-one ever got disinherited for buying an iPad. Combine it with a £70
Apple TV, and you can give them Netflix and LOVEFiLM as well as easy access
to your and your sister's Flickr account for slideshows.

> 2) What data plan?

Is going to be a function of who gets the best reception where they live. I
happily watch Netflix on my Three account, and that was before it was 4G.
They also have some pretty reasonably priced PAYG plans for data. But if
your two locations in the South get spotty Three coverage, you'll need
another solution.


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