easy dom creation using LibXML?

Michel Rodriguez mirod at xmltwig.com
Thu Jan 12 15:29:58 GMT 2006

Richard Jolly wrote:
> Hello,
> I need to create some xml documents with XML::LibXML. I'm looking for
> higher level modules that make it easy to construct a dom. Something
> like what XML::Twig provides, but with LibXML underneath.
> I see two on CPAN - XML::LibXML::Tools and XML::SimpleObject::LibXML. I
> find the api of the first ugly, and the latter looks a little sparse.
> Are there any recommendations? Or approaches? I've got a growing
> collection of utility/helper methods and it feels like this must have
> been done before and better.

I don't know of anything that would help you directly, but you could 
adapt XML::DOM::BagOfTricks 
(http://search.cpan.org/dist/XML-DOM-BagOfTricks/) to XML::LibXML... and 
then release the result.

Or maybe locate some interesting methods from XML::Twig and port them to 

Michel Rodriguez
Perl & XML

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